Annual Congregational Meeting - Sunday, January 19th after Worship
Please plan to attend this important annual meeting of the congregation
and enjoy lunch together.
The Annual Meetings of the Congregation and Corporation of First Presbyterian Church of Trumansburg, New York will be held for the purpose of hearing annual reports, the terms of call for the pastor, approving the 2025 budget, receiving the report of the Nominating Committee and conducting such business as is appropriate under the constitution of the PC(USA) and the laws of the state of New York, by order of Session.
Community Forum
Community Forum: Growing Opportunities through ReUse, Feb. 4 @ 7pm
Finger Lakes ReUse is entering into its 17th year of providing reuse services to Tompkins County communities. Now with more than 80 living wage employees, a well-regarded job skills training program and a long track record of providing access to free and low-cost quality materials, there's still more to do! Join us with Finger Lakes ReUse CEO Diane Cohen to learn about the accomplishments of Finger Lakes ReUse and help consider possibilities for future improvements and program development.
Presbyterian Women’s News
UPW Friendship Lunch, Falls Restaurant
The monthly luncheon gathering will resume the last Wednesday of every month at noon in the Falls Restaurant. This is a social opportunity for all women (Ulysses Presbyterian Women) to get together, bring a friend. No sign up is necessary – the long table is reserved for us!
Join the Gemm Marking Team – Tuesdays 10:15, Fellowship Hall
Clothes for the Gemm Shop are coming to the Kitchen’s designated shelves. We will mark and take to the shop every week, so feel free to join us on Tues. or hang up clothes at Gemm Shop on Wednesdays. Help is needed on both days. Contact Pam Postle Lppostle@aol.com
THESE DAYS Daily Devotionals for the new year will be in the Fellowship Hall soon. Copies in regular and large print are on the "Welcome Table." Please pick one up or contact Pam Postle (Lppostle@aol.com) to save one for you.
Food Pantry News
Carol Grove and Karen Dean ended their tenures as pantry administrators with balloons, cupcakes, honey, and lots of well wishes from both volunteers and customers on Monday, December 30. They are retiring from their leadership roles, but will be back as volunteers. Welcome to Donna Holzbaur as the new face of the Trumansburg Food Pantry! Trumansburg Methodists finished volunteering for November and December and, now, it is the turn of Church of the Epiphany in January through February.
On Monday, December 30, the pantry served 85 families made up of 167 individuals (21 children, 71 adults, 75 seniors). We had 8 new families; 2 of which were larger families (4+). All were from various locations: Newfield (1), Elmira (1), Ithaca (3), and Trumansburg (3). We had one hotline call from a regular customer who had run into a snag with making connections. Happy New Year to all! I hope 2025 is your best year yet!
Bottle and Can Recycling
You can help local youth in need and do your spring cleaning at the same time. When you return your bottles and cans for refunds you can help the Caring and Mission Ministry Team support the Local Youth Initiative. This supports the nurses’ emergency funds for local student in need at the Trumansburg and South Seneca Schools. Return your bottles and cans to:
1. The T-burg Shur-Save recycling and take the paper receipts to the service desk and have them put it in the Presbyterian local you initiative pouch… or
2. The Trumansburg Redemption Center (it has just reopened) on Main Street next to the Post Office. Tell them to put the money in the Presbyterian “jar” and they will sort the bottles and cans for you.
Thank you for your past and continuing support!
Little Free Library
Books have been appearing in the little library and in the “library” bin in the kitchen. Our Little Library is a busy place! Thanks also to you who tidy & refill occasionally! Good adult, young adult and children’s books appreciated! Leave in library bin in kitchen or in the little library. Carolyn Lange