Love, Joy, Peace...
Jesus is the Answer
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The Wired Word is Back!
Every Sunday starting at 11:15am. Click on the button the the right to read this week's Wire Word
Circle Singing
The "Circle Song" method, most commonly associated with musician Bobby McFerrin, is a style of improvisational singing where a group of people form a circle and spontaneously create music together, with a leader guiding the group by introducing musical phrases or patterns that different sections of the circle then repeat and build upon, creating a unique, evolving composition in real-time; it emphasizes active listening, collaboration, and the ability to adapt to the moment, fostering a sense of community through shared musical creation.
Presbyterian Women’s News
UPW Friendship Lunch, Falls Restaurant The monthly luncheon gathering will resume the last Wednesday of every month at noon in the Falls Restaurant. This is a social opportunity for all women (Ulysses Presbyterian Women) to get together, bring a friend. No sign up is necessary – the long table is reserved for us! 
 Join the Gemm Marking Team – Tuesdays 10:15, Fellowship Hall Clothes for the Gemm Shop are coming to the Kitchen’s designated shelves. We will mark and take to the shop every week, so feel free to join us on Tues. or hang up clothes at Gemm Shop on Wednesdays. Help is needed on both days. Contact Pam Postle 
 THESE DAYS Daily Devotionals for the new year will be in the Fellowship Hall soon. Copies in regular and large print are on the "Welcome Table." Please pick one up or contact Pam Postle ( to save one for you.
Food Pantry News
It was another successful food pantry on January 27. Eight new families registered – 3 T-burg, 3 Ithaca, 1 Ovid, and 1 Dryden. Two of the families had 4 or more members. I finally took the Food Safety Quiz suggested by the Food Bank of the Southern Tier and earned my certificate. I am not exactly sure what this allows me to do, but the task is done. We need heavy lifters for the morning set-up as some of our personnel have left for warmer climates down south. If anyone has a desire and the strength to help unload the food truck, set up the tables at the food pantry, or carry boxes downstairs for storage, please come to the Methodist Church at 8 a.m. on pantry mornings. The next pantry is on February 10. The 2025 Empty Bowls event will be held on Sunday, March 30, from noon - 3 p.m. at Atlas Bowl. We have been asked to donate cookies for this event. If you are interested in making 2 dozen cookies, please see me after church or email me at Thank you! On Monday, December 30, the pantry served 85 families made up of 167 individuals (21 children, 71 adults, 75 seniors). We had 8 new families; 2 of which were larger families (4+). All were from various locations: Newfield (1), Elmira (1), Ithaca (3), and Trumansburg (3). We had one hotline call from a regular customer who had run into a snag with making connections. Happy New Year to all! I hope 2025 is your best year yet!
Little Free Library
Books have been appearing in the little library and in the “library” bin in the kitchen. Our Little Library is a busy place! Thanks also to you who tidy & refill occasionally! Good adult, young adult and children’s books appreciated! Leave in library bin in kitchen or in the little library. Carolyn Lange
Sharing THESE DAYS Daily Devotional
First Presbyterian Church of Ulysses
69 E. Main Street P.O. Box 597
Trumansburg, NY 14866
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